Blue Beauty and plastic-free glitter

Blue Beauty is here to stay. Plastic-free glitter is more than ready for this movement. For those who are not yet familiar with the term, Blue Beauty is based on the conservation of the oceans and the use of reef-safe ingredients, as well as the choosing of zero-waste packaging.

What should a brand take into account to be part of the Blue Beauty movement?

Blue Beauty is not only about using natural and biodegradable ingredients. Blue Beauty takes into account many more aspects like the product’s life cycle, from the manufacture to the disposal. Blue beauty covers these areas:

  • Ingredients

  • Production Stage

  • Packaging & Shipping

  • Use & Disposal

Ingredients:  The ocean and our soil are the ones that are most affected by pollution. For a brand to be Blue it must find and work with ingredients that do not disrupt our natural environment’s ecosystem.

We can find products that contain silicones, oxybenzone, chemicals, GMOs, and the infamous “microplastics.” Most microplastics in the ocean are attributed to plastic glitter; therein lies the importance of choosing the best plastic-free and eco-friendly glitter. Products with ingredients sourced from nature are the best, especially if certified as non-toxic, biodegradable, cruelty-free, etc.

Production stage: for many people, it sounds insignificant, but the company’s manufacturing practices are essential. We do not achieve anything with an eco-friendly product if in the process of creating it, tons of water were used or the waste was sent to the sea.

Packaging & Shipping: at this point, we have to think about how the packaging affects the environment. Is it recyclable? The best option would be that the packaging is made from recycled materials, and even better if it could have more than one use.

To reduce pollution and its impact on our environment, the carbon-neutral shipping method is the best choice. Many shipping carriers offer this option to reduce the negative consequences of CO2 emissions.

Use & Disposal: this is the winning point for sustainable and biodegradable products, and yes, glitter has a biodegradable and 100% plastic-free option that fits perfectly into the Blue Beauty concept. Biodegradability in the natural environment is what we need for products like microplastics that can’t be separated from other types of garbage.

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Plastic-free glitter qualifies in the Blue Beauty category? 

The short answer is yes, but not all of them. A lot of glitter brands claim to be biodegradable, plastic-free, sustainable, eco-friendly, and more. Sadly, they are actually compostable or just lying about their product's nature while using dangerous chemicals and toxic metals, not only hazardous for the environment but also for humans.

If a glitter brand is truly biodegradable it will comply with the aforementioned, as well as other important standards like certifications and proof of their biodegradability. For example, BioglitterTM, which is the world’s first 100% plastic-free and biodegradable glitter, is certified as OK Biodegradable in WATER by TÜV, reaching the highest level of biodegradation on eco-friendly glitter. You can find it through Today Glitter; it can be shipped through your favorite carrier and also in sustainable, recyclable, and reusable packaging.

Biodegradable glitter has so many different uses, like the traditional plastic glitter, but even with more benefits, because it also qualifies as a cosmetic glitter. It is 40% softer on the skin, and most colors are FDA approved to use on the lips and around the eyes. Check out this eyeshadow using a neutral shade of biodegradable glitter!


Bioglitter Sparkle & Bioglitter Pure

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